WalletConnect v2.0

Wallet Connect stands as a pivotal enabler of decentralized connectivity, offering users a user-friendly and secure bridge to interact with the expanding world of decentralized applications.

To set up WalletConnect, you generally need a mobile wallet that supports the WalletConnect protocol and a web browser with WalletConnect capabilities. Here's a general guide on how to set up WalletConnect:

Using a Mobile Wallet:

  1. Choose a Supported Wallet:

    • Ensure that your mobile wallet supports WalletConnect. Many popular wallets in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space support WalletConnect, including MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and others.

  2. Install and Open the Wallet:

    • Download and install the supported mobile wallet app on your device.

    • Open the wallet app and create an account or import your existing wallet if you don't have one.

  3. Navigate to WalletConnect:

    • In the wallet app, look for the option related to WalletConnect. This is usually found in the settings or connection section.

  4. Initiate WalletConnect:

    • Choose to initiate a new WalletConnect session. This action generates a QR code or a connection code.

  5. Using a Web Browser:

    • Install WalletConnect Extension (if required):

      • If you're using a web browser like Chrome or Firefox, you might need to install the WalletConnect extension.

      • Visit the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons and search for "WalletConnect."

      • Install the extension.

    • Access the dApp:

      • Open a decentralized application (dApp) in your web browser. Many decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and other DeFi services support WalletConnect.

    • Connect to WalletConnect:

      • Look for an option within the dApp to connect your wallet.

      • Choose WalletConnect as the connection method.

    • Scan QR Code or Enter Code:

      • If you initiated the connection from your mobile wallet, scan the QR code displayed on the dApp with your mobile wallet's camera.

      • If you initiated the connection from the web browser, use your mobile wallet to scan the QR code or enter the connection code provided by the dApp.

  6. Authorize Connection:

    • Authorize the connection on both your mobile wallet and the web browser. This often involves confirming the connection on your mobile device.

  7. Start Using the dApp:

    • Once the connection is established, you can start using the dApp with your mobile wallet.

Important Notes:

  • Always download wallets and extensions from official sources to ensure security.

  • Keep your recovery phrases and private keys secure and never share them.

  • Follow the specific instructions provided by your chosen wallet and the dApp you're connecting to.

Last updated